CP Platform
I always believe that our Community Policing (CP) platform is so powerful that we could utilise it for anything that benefits the local communities. Be it for security purposes, recyling campaigns, blood donations, or charity drives in our housing estate.
TSM had tapped on our CP platform for a donation drive last Saturday. We roped in the entire neighborhood, involving adults,children,women and elderly to raise fund for the Sichuan earth quake victims in China.
Mr.Tan, a kind-hearted Muarian who runs a bicycle shop, was generous enough to lend TSM four units of mini trishaws which he designed for children. The children were tasked to ride on them holding a donation box each to go house to house and appeal to our neighbours and friends to donate generously.
150 households- Together We Unite!
All 150 households at TSM chipped in for a good course. We hit RM 10,000.00 on Saturday itself and as of today, we are at RM 14,200.00 mark, very close to our targeted amount of RM 15,000.00. Syabas TSM, you are not rich but you have shown that you cared for the needy!
Our objectives are:
1) To encourage residents to chip in for a good course.
2) To instill good moral values among our younger generations.
3) To unite our people during the time of need.
4) To foster better rapport among neighbors.
The Power of Love- Sikit-Sikit Lama Jadi Bukit !
One senior police officer upon hearing the donation drive, rang up our TSM committee and donated RM 100.00. A reporter who did coverage on our event, chipped in RM 10.00 as a show of approval. A young child aged 11, donated RM5.00 which was her total saving from her weekly pocket money for school. Another outstation visitor from KL to TSM, upon witnessing our activity, forked out RM 400.00 on the spot!(The same police officer, upon knowing that we lacked RM 800.00 to hit the RM 15,000 mark, chipped in another RM 100.00 as a show of encouragment ! )
Money collection for charity is always a dangerous task if you failed to promote transparency. Your reputation as a trustworthy person will go into drain if you mishandled the entire affair.
For TSM, we:
1) Partnered a local newspaper to raise fund.
2) Issued official receipt for each donor.
3) Handed over the total amount of money in the presence of a deputy federal minister.
Muar has about 146 taman. If every taman raised RM 10,000.00 for example, you can achieve a record figure of RM 1.46 million in a single day!
Using the same theory, if every taman in Muar kick start the CP project as soon as possible, all 146 taman will have many "silent nights" ahead. The entire Muar will be peaceful!
( Hint No.1: The "Anak Angkat" project or "Anggota Sektor" programs by the police have been sleeping for far too long. Wake up! Wake up! )
( Hint No.2: Shut up people, stop complaining !" Instead, you must make the first move to contact the police to invite the men in blue to your taman. Befriend them and work together for a smart partnership. Be sincere. Remember, your job is to help the police to help you! )
I' m a firm believer that local security should be managed ONLY by local residents in order to be Effective!
**The Result is out: TSM generated RM 16,000.00 for the Donation Drive for Sichuan victims ended on 30 May 2008 !!! (as at 12.05am 30/5/2008)
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