The state level Community Policing(CP) campaign in Johor was launched by Home minister Dato' Seri Syed Hamid Albar on Sunday,27 April 2008 in Kota Tinggi,Johor. Guests of honour included Inspector general of police Tan Sri Musa Hassan, Johor menteri besar Dato' Abdul Ghani Othman, Johor police chief Dato' Mokhtar Shariff Mohd and Johor deputy police chief Dato' Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah. TSM had the honour to present the CP story in Muar to the Home minister and his VIP guests.
For 9 minutes, we explained to our guests the many strategic methods adopted in Muar to achieve positive results. Among them, a 3- in- 1 "smart partnership" between the police force,our residents and mass media is neccesary. We are always of the opinion that,if each party plays its own role effectively, we will have a safer and better town to live in.
The newspaper articles exhibited by China Press ( Muar Branch) had created a great impact on Dato' Syed Hamid Albar. The truth is: this Chinese daily had done a good job beyond the call of duty and out of passion for the security sake of the locals. For all 15 sessions of police dialogues hosted in 15 different locations in the district of Muar, it had allocated two full pages of colored articles each time to help create better awareness in crime prevention measures among the readers and town folks. We were told that a two- page colored advertisements on papers had a market value of above RM 10,000.00 for every print. In other words, 15 prints=RM 150,000.00!! We should shout out loud: Thank you ...China Press.... You CARE for us...... We LOVE U!
The sad news? Many papers are NOT interested to cover the local news about crime prevention measures initiated by either the police force or by the members of the public. Let's hope that there is a mindset change for the papers and their editors, to be more pro-active in creating social consciousness first among the readers and then the public by allocating more space for more success stories of our men in blue, apart from the regular negative reports.
Meanwhile, IGP was impressed with our briefing about CP in Muar. We seized the opportunity to present him a copy of our handbook( a copy each to Home minister & Johor Police Chief too),an example of real people real story, attached with many articles written by our fellow peace loving resident Mr.Tam Yong Yuee for NST and THE STAR and many colorful photos for our CP activities at home. Tan Sri Musa congratulated us for the job well done. During the press conference later of the day, the Home minister singled out Muar as a good example for others to emulate. We have this to say: the credit goes to all peace loving Muarians especially our TSM residents, young and old everybody included! Syabas!
On the same event, 13 police districts have their own exhibition booths and they were competing against each other for two top awards. IPD Muar scored a Gold for the Best Customer Service Award! Our exhbition booth is simple but comfortable, filled with the latest photos and newspaper articles. We did a lot of explanation to the visitors. Police hotline stickers were given out as free gift. Both myself and Tam representing the public, K.H Lee representing the press and Hj.Abdul Wahab,Effendi and Azizi were from the poilice force. We worked like a dream team! (Remember this magic formula:Police+Public+Media= SUCCESS!)
It was anyway a self- sponsored trip from Muar to Kota Tinggi spending a full day but it was worthwhile, because we managed to share with our policy makers about the importance of a good implementation system to make the CP a success. In short, we must implement the CP concept correctly with creative and innovative ideas,to continue and monitor along the way, collecting feedback from the public, review the weaknesses, improve the concept, reinforce the idea and continue to work with the general public. Together we can make Malaysia a safer and better place to live, work and play.
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