Seminar Pencegahan Jenayah bersama Belia
It was an honor for TSM when I received a suprise telephone call last Tuesday from OCPD Kluang, ACP Mohamad Fawzi bin Arshad invited me to present a topic on "Community Policing"(CP) at a Kluang hotel on 18th May 2008, a Sunday. I was excited for two reasons.
First of all, I would be sharing my TSM experience in CP with all the ketua-ketua masyarakat and chair persons of KRT (kawasan Rukun Tetangga) in the Kluang district. Secondly, I was informed that a big group of youth will be listening to me and therefore, I must share the experience on how TSM incorporated our youth into CP and neigbourhood watch programs.
OCPD Kluang
ACP Mohamad Fawzi is a man bigger than his picture. I met him for the first time in Kluang. In his 50s, he is like a fatherly figure to everyone. A good orator on stage, he could speak for 90 minutes non-stop about his favorite topics, added with a sense of humor.
A "hands-on" officer, he could quote the actual size of his district in one second, and next, he could spell out names of the black listed crime-prompt areas, be it in town or in any Felda schemes within Kluang. Afterall, he is a man who is always on the ground.
More importantly, he is young at heart. He spoke passionately about his youth in yesteryears and the challenges faced by our youth in today's materalistic society. He analysed every challenge in a logical manner and he provided very practical solutions to each of them.
He has a vision for the youth in Kluang. He wanted to give special attention to the youth and as a result of this, he had in his capacity as Kluang's top cop, had lobbied the MPs for both Kluang and Simpang Renggam to help to put the youth in a "controlled & confined" environment so that they could invlove in active sporting activities and stay away from from bad influences.
ACP Fawzi believed that our youth got talents, they are clever and capable. Therefore, proper guidance and advice are needed to show them to the right path. He cited an example where he learnt the lastest mobile phone technology from a youth! He continues to get inspirations from youth as he was not losing hope on them.
He challenged our community leaders to step forward and befriend the young people, be it in a warong teh or shopping centres, just lepak with them in order to understand them. He says:"Mereka ini bukan jahat, cuma nakal sahaja. Kita mesti menganjurkan aktiviti-aktiviti sukan yang boleh meletihkan dia orang".
I am extremely interested when ACP Fauzi mentioned about his coming pet project, that he intended to set up four committees focusing on 1) Crime 2)Drugs 3)Road safety 4)Social . All four committees are to be run by the youth in Kluang for the youth in Kluang. What a great idea!
Kluang's top cop has a mammoth task to do. He says:"Kepuasan menyumbang kepada masyarakat tempatan terutamanya kepada belia kita adalah sesuatu yang tidak boleh dinilaikan dengan wang!"
What impressed me was a scene when a group of children aged around 4-6 greeted ACP Fawzi when he walked passed them. Almost everyone kissed his hand. He could get connected with the children so easily. I took a photo of him with the kids.
Let's hope that everybody in Kluang will heed the advice of the OCPD and play a part in helping and assisting the youth to suceed in life.
In conclusion, if Malaysia has another 10 OCPDs like ACP Fawzi, then we have dozens of hope for many gold medals in Sea Games and also the Olympics!
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