CNY Dinner 2009-Xin Xin Restaurant 7 p.m, 21/2/2009 秀丽花园新春晚宴 2009
Happy family of Mr.Ng Meng Choon of Jalan Dato Hj.Hassan!
居民黄明春热爱团体活动,当晚全家出动。。。。响应! 安全家居,全村连手打造。 A HaPPy taman is a shared responsibility.
Home -sweet- home,begins from U & me!
Above: Junior Lee of Pangsapuri Intan, second son of Mr.Lee Kuan Hwee.
Above: Tan Jui Seng of Jalan 4A, with wife and son Wallace Tan.
Above: TSM youth members:Nico, Jei Rong,"Captain" Kelly,Ai Ping & Ai Ling
Above: Supt.Lee Choon Guan,Assistant OCPD Muar, delivered his famous hit "Casablanca" dedicated to all 230 TSM residents & guests !
Above: Chief Inspector Noland,Ketua Balai Polis Muar, presented a Malay song! He told us that was his first Karaoke session after 8 years. Being a cop, they were barred from patronising entertainment outlets. 麻坡警察局长”封麦“八年,不过当晚受蔡光兴邀请,也大唱马来情歌,感谢居民们两年来的鼎力合作!
Above: TSM Youth head Gan Chin Lai lead the exco to sing CNY songs for all the guests。 “情歌王子”颜振来带领全体理事向来宾敬酒!
Above: Ladies from Jalan4, 4A, 4B & 4C. 来自第四路的妇女组,一个个都是“秀丽花园社区警察”概念的大功臣!
Above: Wong Ah Ni's daughter and grandson. TSM events are always popular for any 8 months old to 80-year old!! “西瓜王子”翁亚尼的千金与孙子。
Above:Overwhelming responce from our local residents, 230 people from 150 houses joined us for the CNY party!! Everyone was a V.I.P for the night! 场面热哄哄,秀丽花园,也是爱心花园!
Above: Local beauties from Rocksons Group and a CP suppoter from Pangsapuri Intan! 乐升机构的夫人与蓝宝石高级公寓的大美人春梅小姐
Simple,Interesting and Successful.
TSM has done it again. Keep it up.
Hope to do better in the coming occasions.
From: Mr.Chua Kuang Heng
Dear YLing,
TSM is what we are today partly because of a selfless person named Chua Kuang Heng.
Your dad is a good example for all to emulate. Easy going,friendly and very helpful.
If TSM have anothr 5 Chua Kuang Heng, God willingly we can be the best taman in whole Johor!!
Thank you for your comment, we hope to see you in person for our next event, or we will send Chua Kuang Heng to pick you up at Multimedia University at Bukit Beruang Malacca....ha ha!
Dun praise my dad too much,or else his head will grow bigger and bigger and walk like a "bu dao ong".
I already graduated from Diploma at MMU last yr November. Haha!
Now at home goyang kaki.
FROM :蓝宝石居民 Jonas Ng
Dear YLing,
Why goyang kaki when you can contribute to our taman??
Since you are from MMU(Mutimedia University) then please tolong lah our taman a bit bit to at least find a way to promote our blog.
We hope to be a IT savvy Taman. How leh?
Can you teach our senior citizens computers? Can you help them to create e-mails and go online??
Boleh? MMU janji boleh, right?
Dear Jonas,
Thank you for your feebcak.
We also enjoyed the CNY party held at Pangsapuri Intan lately.
Very well organsied with great food and exciting music +friendly Intan residents.
Congrats to your Deputy Chairman of Intan for getting an appreciation cert from PDRM, by CPO Johor! Well done ! We are proud of Intan too!
Thank you!
那么大的责任哦!I dunno I can do it or not.Haha!
Sure can teach them.No problem if they really wan learn.
Wan how to promote our taman blog?
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