Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Crack down on cyber cafes in Muar

Good move by council  
(this article is written by a peace loving Muarian,Kent Chua and published on NST dated 02 December 2009)

Briefing by Muar OCPD to officers of PDRM,D.O office and MPM. Looking on were municipal council president, fellow councillors and Muar Assistant Distrcit Officer.

I WOULD like to congratulate the Muar Municipal Council for rejecting 14 new Internet cafe licence applications, and to review the existing 42 licences recently.

Council president Abdul Wahab Ridwan and all the municipal councillors stood firm on the issue.

We trusted the judgment of the council on this matter because, under a directive by the Housing and Local Government Ministry dated 2004, all local and municipal councils had been asked to freeze new licences for Internet cafes.

Rows of bicycles parked infront of the premise at 1a.m in the morning!! Wonder who's kids were missing from the beds at home?

Many of those outlets had abused the stipulated conditions and flouted the laws by operating and allowing entry to children below 18 years of age.

Muar municipal council president (on blue cap) advising the children not to be addicted to video games. A total of 23 students were advised to return to hostel after 2 a.m!

These youngsters who were addicted to the games would mix with bad influence and turn into bad apples.

Under the new directive, all applicants have to seek approval first from the local area councillors or community leaders, and then obtain the green light from the police and the Fire and Rescue Department.


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