CNY Dinner 2009-Xin Xin Restaurant 7 p.m, 21/2/2009 秀丽花园新春晚宴 2009
Happy family of Mr.Ng Meng Choon of Jalan Dato Hj.Hassan!
居民黄明春热爱团体活动,当晚全家出动。。。。响应! 安全家居,全村连手打造。 A HaPPy taman is a shared responsibility.
Home -sweet- home,begins from U & me!
Above: Junior Lee of Pangsapuri Intan, second son of Mr.Lee Kuan Hwee.
Above: Tan Jui Seng of Jalan 4A, with wife and son Wallace Tan.
Above: TSM youth members:Nico, Jei Rong,"Captain" Kelly,Ai Ping & Ai Ling
Above: Supt.Lee Choon Guan,Assistant OCPD Muar, delivered his famous hit "Casablanca" dedicated to all 230 TSM residents & guests !
Above: Chief Inspector Noland,Ketua Balai Polis Muar, presented a Malay song! He told us that was his first Karaoke session after 8 years. Being a cop, they were barred from patronising entertainment outlets. 麻坡警察局长”封麦“八年,不过当晚受蔡光兴邀请,也大唱马来情歌,感谢居民们两年来的鼎力合作!
Above: TSM Youth head Gan Chin Lai lead the exco to sing CNY songs for all the guests。 “情歌王子”颜振来带领全体理事向来宾敬酒!
Above: Ladies from Jalan4, 4A, 4B & 4C. 来自第四路的妇女组,一个个都是“秀丽花园社区警察”概念的大功臣!
Above: Wong Ah Ni's daughter and grandson. TSM events are always popular for any 8 months old to 80-year old!! “西瓜王子”翁亚尼的千金与孙子。
Above:Overwhelming responce from our local residents, 230 people from 150 houses joined us for the CNY party!! Everyone was a V.I.P for the night! 场面热哄哄,秀丽花园,也是爱心花园!
Above: Local beauties from Rocksons Group and a CP suppoter from Pangsapuri Intan! 乐升机构的夫人与蓝宝石高级公寓的大美人春梅小姐