Photo above:Old Gingers of TSM! Mr.Pang Su Hai is the fourth from left in a blue shirt with glasses. A former scout master and sports adviser for volleyball, he is an expert in many fields.
On 3 December 2008,I received a phone call from IPD Muar, asking for Mr.Koon Chew Fatt, aged 70, and Mr.Pang Su Hai, aged 67 details for the nomination of Anugerah Warga Emas Peringkat Negeri Johor 2008. According to the caller,a chief inspector, he was contacted by the Pejabat Kebajikan Masyarakat within the D.O 's building.
The Common traits among Koon & Pang are:
1)Both gentlemen are above age of 60, both Warga Emas
2)Both are very active in community work especially in Cp
3)Both of them had happy families, with children and grandchildren living both in Malaysia & overseas
4)Both of them are respected elderly among the TSM residents
5)Both had went through life pre-Merdeka and understood the meaning of national unity 6)Both lead a healthy and active lifestyle, despite the age factor
In my humble opinions, senior citizens are like Old Gingers, they are hotter and if added into your cooking, it tasted far better with outstanding and long- lasting flavours. It is like the Chinese saying that "姜是老的辣".
The old Gingers are:
1)Always wiser (but not neccesarily always correct)
2)Could be a good listener (when you are ready to complain)
3)Could be a good mentor (when you need good advise)
4)Could tell you many real life stories (when you are keen to hear kisah benar)
5)Could be a role model to emulate (analysing their success could save you time to achieve success in life)
If every Old Ginger is prepared to continue and serve the society and community even after retirement, Muar will be a better place.
In fact, there are many Old Gingers around us. Try and rope them into community work, be it a charity show, Cp or a line-dancing class, getting them to get involve is good for them to maintain a healthy lifestyle and also a healthy mind.
For the young people, never under estimate your Old Gingers! Listen up and do the right things.
It save you a lot of unnecessary disasters in life if you start taking clues and free tips from the Old Gingers!
The cook in the kitchen will tell you this: "The older the ginger, the hotter!"
PS: Wishing my 2 Old Gingers good luck in their bids to win over the Anugerah Warga Emas Johor 2008! (TSM is damn proud of you two!)
Dear All,
"old Ginger" not only hot but also spicy. It really depend on both parties, if one side willing to talk and teach, the other side willing to listen and learn, it really work perfectly.
Dear TSK,
You are 100% right! Give and take is the way to go.
Sikap bertolak ansur for the welfare and benefits of the whole taman.
TQ TSK, keep posting more of your personal opinions and share with us your views.
You may submit articles related to the CP concept. We will post up for you!
Happy CNY to you!
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