In Muar, there is.......... 1 House with 10 Flags !
I am so proud to tell friends that at TSM, we have 1 house 1 flag to celebrate the nation's 51st birthday during the Merdeka month. But this week, I discovered that somebody in town nearly break our track record!
Here is....... 1 house with 10 flags!
If there is a competition for the most patriotic Muarian in town, the house owner should definitely be the Juara or Champion!
Lead by Example
The house owner is Yang Di-pertua (YDP) of Majlis Perbandaran Muar(MPM), Yang Bhg.Tuan Haji Wahab bin Ridwan.
Every August, MPM for decades had to shout it out loud urging (sometime begging) the people of Muar, local businesses and government agencies to fly high the Jalur Gemilang!
Now ,the YDP had walked the talk by setting a very good example for others to follow.
His record: 10 flags at his own house!
Congratulations and tahniah to you, Mr.YDP.
If our YDP can do it, so can YOU........ !
Tuan Hj.Wahab Bin Ridwan
YDP is a man with a humble approach. In his 50s, he is somebody you would enjoy talking with. Once you start talking with Tuan Hj.Wahab, I think you do not want to stop.
As an "Orang Awam",I have the good fortune to share some ideas with him in regards to local security,our youth and environmental issues. As the Chinese saying goes: "When you want to learn something, go and learn from an old ginger. They are hot and more spicy!"
His easy- going style goes well with many people. An evening while he relaxed at his garden, I rode passed his house and I waved to him. He invited me into his house without a second thought.
What happened later for the next 45 minutes was a long and interesting discussion between an Orang Awam and a YDP at his garden chating about life, government policies and the local community.
Each time when the "Orang Awam" texted him via sms, he would reply at the soonest possible time. Two days ago when I congratulated him for his 10 flags record, he returned my sms informing that he was in Mekkah for umrah.
I wished him Selamat Menunaikan Umrah.(I learnt about the proper phase from both Encik Ghafar of KRT Jalan Bakri and Chief Inspector Wahab of H.E.A of IPD Muar )
To Tuan Haji Wahab, TSM would take this opportunity to thank you for gracing our CP launching on 1st August 2008.
Your attendance is greatly appreciated by all our residents. We say to you:" Keep coming back to TSM for more!"
It is the Orang Awam's sincere hope that with Tuan Hj.Wahab at the helm, the relationship between the local authourities and the rakyat can further enchanced, with a strong focus in making Muar a more vibrant, safer and lively town for all.
Wishing everybody Selamat Hari Kebangsaan!
Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
(Note: take one minute to digest the meaning of this year slogan:
"Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan". Seriously, it is a beautiful slogan that needs to be understood the true meaning by every single Malaysian.)
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