In Muar, there is.......... 1 House with 10 Flags !
I am so proud to tell friends that at TSM, we have 1 house 1 flag to celebrate the nation's 51st birthday during the Merdeka month. But this week, I discovered that somebody in town nearly break our track record!
Here is....... 1 house with 10 flags!
If there is a competition for the most patriotic Muarian in town, the house owner should definitely be the Juara or Champion!
Photo above: YDP's house. He is flying 10 Jalur Gemilang at one-go to celebrate Merdeka with pride and honor!
Photo above: TSM Chairman, Mr.Koon Chew Fatt thanking YDP Tuan Hj.Wahab for supporting our community activity.Lead by ExampleThe house owner is Yang Di-pertua (YDP) of Majlis Perbandaran Muar(MPM), Yang Bhg.Tuan Haji Wahab bin Ridwan.
Every August, MPM for decades had to shout it out loud urging (sometime begging) the people of Muar, local businesses and government agencies to fly high the Jalur Gemilang!
Now ,the YDP had walked the talk by setting a very good example for others to follow.His record: 10 flags at his own house!
Congratulations and tahniah to you, Mr.YDP.
If our YDP can do it, so can YOU........ !
Photo above: YDP Tuan Hj.Wahab (right) gracing TSM event for Community Policing launching. On the right is Johor Deputy Police Chief Datuk Tun Hisan and Muar OCPD Tuan Mohd. Nasir.
Tuan Hj.Wahab Bin RidwanYDP is a man with a humble approach. In his 50s, he is somebody you would enjoy talking with. Once you start talking with Tuan Hj.Wahab, I think you do not want to stop.
As an "Orang Awam",I have the good fortune to share some ideas with him in regards to local security,our youth and environmental issues. As the Chinese saying goes: "When you want to learn something, go and learn from an old ginger. They are hot and more spicy!"
His easy- going style goes well with many people. An evening while he relaxed at his garden, I rode passed his house and I waved to him. He invited me into his house without a second thought.
What happened later for the next 45 minutes was a long and interesting discussion between an Orang Awam and a YDP at his garden chating about life, government policies and the local community.
Each time when the "Orang Awam" texted him via sms, he would reply at the soonest possible time. Two days ago when I congratulated him for his 10 flags record, he returned my sms informing that he was in Mekkah for umrah.
I wished him Selamat Menunaikan Umrah.(I learnt about the proper phase from both Encik Ghafar of KRT Jalan Bakri and Chief Inspector Wahab of H.E.A of IPD Muar )
To Tuan Haji Wahab, TSM would take this opportunity to thank you for gracing our CP launching on 1st August 2008.
Your attendance is greatly appreciated by all our residents. We say to you:" Keep coming back to TSM for more!"
It is the Orang Awam's sincere hope that with Tuan Hj.Wahab at the helm, the relationship between the local authourities and the rakyat can further enchanced, with a strong focus in making Muar a more vibrant, safer and lively town for all.
Wishing everybody Selamat Hari Kebangsaan!Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!(Note: take one minute to digest the meaning of this year slogan:
"Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan". Seriously, it is a beautiful slogan that needs to be understood the true meaning by every single Malaysian.)

Johor top cop,Yang Dihormati DCP Datuk Mohd.Mokhtar bin Hj.Mohd.Shariff led a high powered delegation to visit Taman Sri Maharani in Muar, for the launching the district's CP concept, on 1st August 2008.Among them were police top brass from IPK Johor and all ten police districts across Johor. Those in attendence were Johor Deputy Police Chief, SAC1 Datuk Hj.Tun Hisan bin Datuk Hj. Tun Hamzah,Tuan Hj.Abdul Wahab bin Ridwan, Yang- Dipertua Majlis Perbandaran Muar(MPM), Datuk Koh Kim Thoon,president of MCCC(Muar Chinese Chamber of Commerce), OCPD Muar ACP Mohd.Nasir bin Ramli, Deputy OCPD Muar Supt.Lee Choon Guan and officers from government agencies.

It was what our residents claimed to be "an Exciting & Memorable evening" with Ketua Polis Johor. 250 residents from all 6 nearby housing estates attended the auspicious occasion. They were 1)Taman Permai, 2)Taman Orkid,3)Pangsapuri Intan, 4)Pangsapuri Permata, 5)Taman Permata dan 6)Taman Sri Maharani(TSM) along Jalan Hj.Jaib.TSM's blog was also officially launched by the CPO on the same occasion, accompanied by the invited guests and witnessed by 250 people.

Why visit TSM?
TSM, a 30-year old taman, since 2006 had some excellent achievements such as: - The first housing estate in Johor that launched the "Rakan Cop" campaign in a big way
- The first housing estate in Muar that introduced joint night patrolling and house-to-house visit with police personel
- The first housing estate in Muar that celebrated Merdeka month by flying one Jalur Gemilang in every house
- The first housing estate in Muar to be visited by an OCPD for CP project
- The first housing estate in Muar that awarded a letter of appreciation by a Johor Police Chief in 2007
- The first housing estate in Muar that was invited to share the CP concept in Kluang
- The first housing estate in Muar that presented a paper on CP concept at Royal Malaysian Police College Kuala Lumpur
- The first housing estate in the country that has a blog specialises in CP concept

(Above photo: the residents & persatuan penduduk of Pangsapuri Intan Muar posing with Deputy Johor Police Chief,SAC 1 Datuk Tun Hisan and Muar Deputy OCPD, Supt. Lee Choon Guan)
Children,Women, Youth & ElderlyYes, TSM is so special because it roped in the children, women, youth and the elderly to work hand in hand to prevent crime. Nobody was left out in our neigborhood activities. Everybody has a role to play. That is to be the eyes and ears to the police.Example 1, the ladies who go for morning walk are reminded to be attentive to the neigborhood surroundings during the mornings.Example 2, housewives and kids who are staying at home during daytime are reminded to ring our emergency hotline numbers if they discover something funny.Example 3, those elderly who love go for short walk after dinner are also reminded to go in groups and again, they are the moving CCTVs monitoring the neighborhood surroundings.
Simple But MeaningfulCarrying the CP spirit, both TSM and IPD Muar had again demonstrated that a happy co-operation (a smart partnership too!) is possible as long as both parties are sincere to raise up to the occasion. We worked on the kind advice by Datuk Hj.Tun Hisan bin Hj.Tun Hamzah, the Johor Deputy Police Chief. Datuk Hj.Tun Hisan thrown in the challenge for us:"Try and make it simple but meaningful".1)It was simple because we ultilised existing resources, working within a tight budget and try to maximise the outcomes, putting in the best effort and aiming for the best effect.2) It was meaningful because we selected a residential house(but not a dewan or hotel) as the venue to give easy access to residents within the neighborhoods, and a homely feeling to everybody.(It's afterall, a neigborhood activity!)
A Multi-racial CommunitySoka Gakkai Malaysia(SGM) of Muar Branch, had a all-Chinese Kompang troupe on colorful batik customs performing Malay arts for the occasion.The crowd were again entertained by the cultural dances by SGM junior members. It was afterall, an eye opener for everybody to witness the richness of Malaysia's multi-racial identity.As the saying goes:"Malaysia Truly Asia!". We are indeed very lucky to be born and breed here!(We extend out thanks to SGM for their wonderful performance, and also congratulate them for promoting racial unity through cultural arts performance! More peace loving citizens should step forward to contribute for a safer and peaceful Malaysia)Everybody A WinnerOur residents, young and old were overjoyed when they interacted freely with our policemen., sharing their ideas and exchanged information.Never before in the history of our taman that we had so many police officers around for a single event.Meanwhile, everybody went home as a winner because they had their photographs taken along with Datuk Mohd.Mokhtar and Datuk Hj.Tun Hisan .We joked with both gentlemen that after 1st of August, they would be as popular like superstars when many TSM houses would start hanging framed photographs of the two men in their living rooms! (Why don't our TV producers or PDRM ever consider a TV reality show by the name of "Police Idol"?)
Community Policing- the best ever strategy to bring security and safety to every Malaysian home!