Welcome to www. johorpolis. gov.my
1st July 2008 marks a new milestone for Johor Police. A new police website & a one- stop media centre were officially launched by Johor police chief Datuk Mohd Mokhtar bin Mohd Shariff for all Johoreans, you and me included.
The brainchild of Johor top cop, the website
Photo: Dato Mokhtar Mohd Shariff at the launch of his
As for the media centre, it is a one stop centre for the media to obtain all information from the police. This is also a new venue for Hari Pelanggan,where people from all walks of life can meet the Johor police top brass face- to- face and talk heart-to heart on every Friday 9.30am-12pm.
Out of curiousity, I logged into the new Polisjohor website to find out more about the new police service. As a Orang Awam, I am very impressed with the "Aduan" section where you are able to e-mail your complaint or suggestion directly to Ibu Pejabat Police Kontigen(IPK) Johor. Every e-mail is expected to receive a reply posted on the same column.
Therefore, my fellow Johoreans, check it out for yourself and please make good use of the website service. I say "make good use of it" because the p
Good news meant to be shared. Tell your friends, your neighbours, your classamtes and anybody about the new website as long as they are from Johor!( Anybody outside Johor please also appeal to your respective
With an investment of RM100,000 for the set up, I have high expectations for the website, I sincerely hope:
1)Consistent branding be made to promote it.
2)Local press & mass media will help to promote it to their readers & viewers.
3) An average of 100 people per day from Johor log into it.
4)The same 100 people can tell at least 2 friends about the website every day.
5) Create a new forum to welcome ideas, comments or even constructive critisms.
6) To introduce the concept of Community Policing (CP) to Johoreans.
7) It becomes the most popular & effective website for the next 5 years.
6) To link up with TSM blog so that more people can read about CP in Muar!!!!(Remember,

In police language,
KP Johor is Datuk Mohd Mokht
He once said that "Every small idea could be turned in to a good idea, if we work carefully on it".
The Johor police chief is indeed right. His statement not only carries security sense but economy sense at the same time.
Tourism & Investor Friendly
A stone throw away from Singapore, Johor has tremendous potential as an ideal location for setting manufacturing plants, property investments, tourism based industries and transportation hub.
With the recent launch of Iskandar Malaysia project, Johor has all the reasons to provide first class security in order for both locals and foreigners to live, work and play in a safer and vibrant city.
A recent survey had shown that average Malaysians had placed security as second priority of their wish- list after the country economy.
As visualized by the top cop, an improved and better local security will eventually contribute towards a condusive environment for comfort living, thus heating up the local property market and increased purchasing power.
Once a sizable population is in place, more foreign companies and production plants will start entering the state to snap up the abundance of our talented labor force.
A Friendly Cop
Photo: TSM residents posed with Datuk Mokhtar recently in Muar. He is always ready for a photograph opportunity whenever you invite him for one!
Datuk Mokhtar is always attentive. Whenever he meets our residents, a casual conversation with him is always enjoyable as he adds in a personal touch into the topics.
He always ask:"How is everybody at home? Is your family coping well? The children?" This is Datuk Mokhtar that we have known, the super-friendly Johor police Chief!
It is his style of asking about the well being of their family members and children. I would say that with his people-friendly approach, most residents would choose to pour out all their feelings for him, to speak out their minds freely and sincerely on any issue under the sun!
His reply was indeed simple:" What will happen will happen eventually. I pray a lot and seek guidance from God". Here he is a religious man who very much places his faith in God and religion.
Dear Datuk Mokhtar, sir, if you read this blog, this is what we are going to tell you: "You have been an Inspiration for all of us at TSM!
We will take up your advice of turning small ideas into good ideas in transforming our Community Policing concept into a......runaway success!
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