Saturday, February 21, 2009

秀丽花园新春晚宴场面热哄哄 CNY Dinner 2009

秀丽 秀丽 加油 加油

CNY Dinner 2009-Xin Xin Restaurant 7 p.m, 21/2/2009 秀丽花园新春晚宴 2009

Happy family of Mr.Ng Meng Choon of Jalan Dato Hj.Hassan!


安全家居,全村连手打造。 A HaPPy taman is a shared responsibility.

TSM youth Nico Gan & sister Ker Rou.


Home -sweet- home,begins from U & me!

Above: Junior Lee of Pangsapuri Intan, second son of Mr.Lee Kuan Hwee.


Above: Tan Jui Seng of Jalan 4A, with wife and son Wallace Tan.


Above: TSM youth members:Nico, Jei Rong,"Captain" Kelly,Ai Ping & Ai Ling


Above: Supt.Lee Choon Guan,Assistant OCPD Muar, delivered his famous hit "Casablanca" dedicated to all 230 TSM residents & guests !


Above: Chief Inspector Noland,Ketua Balai Polis Muar, presented a Malay song! He told us that was his first Karaoke session after 8 years. Being a cop, they were barred from patronising entertainment outlets. 麻坡警察局长”封麦“八年,不过当晚受蔡光兴邀请,也大唱马来情歌,感谢居民们两年来的鼎力合作!

Above: TSM Youth head Gan Chin Lai lead the exco to sing CNY songs for all the guests。 “情歌王子”颜振来带领全体理事向来宾敬酒!

Above: Ladies from Jalan4, 4A, 4B & 4C. 来自第四路的妇女组,一个个都是“秀丽花园社区警察”概念的大功臣!

Above: Wong Ah Ni's daughter and grandson. TSM events are always popular for any 8 months old to 80-year old!! “西瓜王子”翁亚尼千金与孙子。

Above:Overwhelming responce from our local residents, 230 people from 150 houses joined us for the CNY party!! Everyone was a V.I.P for the night! 场面热哄哄,秀丽花园,也是爱心花园!

Above: Local beauties from Rocksons Group and a CP suppoter from Pangsapuri Intan! 乐升机构的夫人与蓝宝石高级公寓大美人春梅小姐

Friday, February 20, 2009

10 reasons WHY U must not carry a handbag

During an economy slowdown or a recession, crime is up everywhere,worldwide.

e of the most common crime committed is snatch thiefs or Peragut. Some victims are lucky enough to survive the ordeals but some innocent victims had died due to serious injuries. It happens everywhere and majority of the targeted groups are women.


1)Because you are a woman.

2)And a woman carries a handbag.

3)And because you are carrying a handbag on your shoulder.

4)It doesn't matter weather a real Bonia or a fake LV, as long as it is a handbag.

5)It is so easy to take away or snatch it awa
y from you on the street within seconds.

6)A handbag contains so many valuables: cash, handphone, IC,ATM cards, credit cards etc.

7)Peragut loves laptop in hand-carried bags too.

8)Also, they love to target ladies who walk along the street with their wallets on their hands.

9)They had perfected the arts by snatching away from a moving motorcycle.

10)Anybody who carries a handbag is always potential victim.

The solution?

Strategy 1(Bad news for LV, Bonia & G
With due respect for all women including my mum, my sister, Elizabeth Wong, Paris Hilton, Siti Nurhaliza and my female friends,please use a wallet.

You may argue that it is a woman's basic right to carry a gadget called handbag, but the fact remains that you are actually inviting trouble.

Strategy 2
(Good news for Triumph & Victoria Secret..!)
A smart businesswoman from a bra company had recently invented a special bra to keep your valuables within the bra and the untouchable territories.

According to reports, she intended to improve her invention, get a patent and sell her garments to Pamela Anderson and the world!

Strategy 3 (Not a bad news for G.A Blue & Levis...!)

Wear Jeans, because with your pair of Levis 501 or 505 have so many pockets to keep your wallet safe!

When you are wearing jeans, place your wallet infront rather than behind. I learnt this
startegy from the an Italian friend in Rome back in 2004, I did exactly what the Romans did!

Therefore, the best form of prevention is to go out without a handbag!

Friday, February 6, 2009

CCTV Citizens To The Fore

CCTV Citizens To The Fore
This article was published in New Straits Times, page 1
9 ,on 4/2/2009

We the peace- loving citizens of Muar would like to congratulate our dedicated police force for the speedy arrest of the suspect who allegedly stabbed three innocent children in town recently.

Given that the young victims were randomly selected and attacked, it was a remarkable achievement on the part of Muar police force when all it took only 18 days to solve the case.

According to reports, public information plays a vital role in leading to the arrest. As indicated in this case, a successful breakthrough in any police investigation could be solved faster if reliable and accurate information is provided by the public.

In the concept of Community Policing, t

he local community must work together and w

ork smart with the police in crime prevention. Th

e public is best defined as the “eyes and ea

rs” to the police. There is nothing more powerful o

r effective than human eyes- the free o

f charge CCTV proudly owned by every Malaysian on the street.

What is required from us to do is to activate our own “CCTV”, and keep the police informed of what we had seen and heard, as simple as that. The “human CCTV” could be in everywhere. Be it in a shop, at a housing estate, in a toilet, a recreation park or at home.

Providing information is no longer a hassle or an obstacle when the police hotline is open for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you feel uncomfortable to reveal your information, then please speak to the police top brass.

In all Johor districts, every Friday is classified as a Hari Pelanggan or Open Day where you are welcomed to meet up face to face with the district police chief for your grouses or ideas.

Another positive development recently by Johor police is the establishment of an interactive website , first of its kind in the country for the public to submit ideas, suggestions, comments or even complaints for further actions to be taken.

Crime prevention is a shared responsibility. Switch on your CCTV today!

Chua Teck Boon

Sambutan Tahun Baru Cina Bersama CP



柔佛洲总警长拿督莫达副总监将带领全柔十三位警区主任莅临巴力巴九主持社区警察(Community Policing)推介礼,与当地的居民和麻坡中华总商会旗下的80个社团组织共渡农历新年。受邀贵宾也包括麻坡县长和市议会主席等人。


来自麻坡关圣宫的马来醒狮团将呈现精彩舞狮表演。麻坡另一个非政府组织,麻坡创价学会(SGM )也将为本地治安出一份力,为嘉宾们表演马来西亚多元种族色彩的传统舞蹈。创价学会的闻名羊皮舞肯定是另一个焦点。除此之外,马来西亚皇家警察部队(PDRM)将参与其盛,呈现纪律部队的精彩演出。

电视台TV3出名警方节目”999”的制作人Halim Din也会到现场报道,把麻坡的<社区警察>故事告诉电视机前的观众.

Sunday, February 1, 2009





此行意义重大,双方除了交流民生问题和讨论麻坡“社区警察(Community Policing ) 概念推广的进度,大家也在正副总长陪同下,参观于总部为民众和媒体所开设的一站式服务中心。

拿督辜金强表示社会治安,人人有责。在经济不好时刻,呼吁人民和各团体组织更要和警方有效合作,提倡“警民合作,把 “社区警察”概念推广到每一个角落,深入民间。

他非常欣赏柔洲警察总部开设的一站式服务中心。对于全国第一个启动的警察网站《》 更是赞不决口,因为它方便使用者。希望市民能善用新科技,把有利于警方的罪案证据在最快时速打入网站,和警方连线一同打击罪案。


左一: 副总警长拿督敦希山,官召浓与拿督辜金强对全国首个启动的警察网站 赞不决口.