The Attitude problems of Malaysians-Ops Sikap
"Think of your loved ones" was once chosen as the tagline for our road safety campaign, to remind Malaysians to take care of their own safety, have a safe journey back to their home towns and celebrate along with the loved ones.
Somehow the death rates on the roads could not be reduced because of the typical Malaysian attitude and bad habits of driving. Every festive seasons,many lives were sacrified because of bad driving habits.
Former Prime Minsiter Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohammad had cried before begging Malaysians not to play a fool while behind the wheels. Each time when his writes his Raya Aidilfitri greeting he reminded Malaysians not to speed but our countrymen always fail to take note on his advice.
During the press interview in Muar, IGP Tan Sri Musa says:
"Malaysians generally are good people with a heart of gold, but once he or she is behind the wheels then he or she could turn into a monster."
As for myself, I remember vividly a warning given by my driving instructor many years ago while I was attending the driving school ceremah before getting my driving licence.
He says: "Tuan-tuan and puan-puan sekalian, jika anda telah lulus dalam ujian memandu nanti, nasihat saya yang terakhir adalah supaya anda jangan mematikan orang di jalan raya!"
TSM Chairman Mr.Koon Chew Fatt with IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan.