Happy New Year 2009 !
A dynamic, productive & peaceful year for u!
2009 is a year fills with many challenges but one must remain hopeful and always think positive. (Challenge the impossible.)
Despite the global financial crisis, a worldwide recession, many retrenchments and lots of uncertainties ahead,life must goes on,you must make it sweet!
Like the Cp strategy,if we can't change the environment,we must then readjust ourselves to suit the new environment.
What we hope for in 2009 is :
- Cp continue to be a top priority for Muar and the entire nation
- More peace-loving citizens step forward and play a role
- IPD Muar continue to provide dynamic leadership
- More policemen must try and blend into the community, work with the community
- More local NGOs would participate in anti-crime campaigns
- More housing estates in Muar be pro-active in crime prevention efforts
- Politicians from both spectrums must "turun-padang" and develop smart and useful policies
- Two so-called living dead agencies must wake up and do what is necessary for the people
- Old Gingers should try and go active in their respective RT or RA.
- TSM blog becomes a popular blog for Cp