The Open House concept
In a multi-racial Malaysia, we take pride of our Open House (Rumah Terbuka) concept during festive seasons such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
It is a time for everybody, young and old regardless of race and religion to come under one roof to celebrate and socialise together with plenty of great food.
D.O with Senior management of IPD Muar and Mr.Chew Ah Keng of Taman Orkid.
Everything is Opened-
the house, the door, the heart and the mind
During "Open house", everybody is always in a good mood. The host is happy, so does his many visitors.
Everything is opened in an "Open House"-the house, the door, the heart and the mind.

If you offended somebody intentionally or unintentionally, this is a time to seek for forgiveness-maaf zahir dan batin.
- This is the best time for the rakyat to ask the leaders for assistance & advice
- This is the best time for you to have the best family photo(konica time) taken with your beloved leaders
- This is the best time (lobby time)for housing developers to lobby for more contracts
- This is the best time for people to seek endorsement for their children's higher education
I say "the best time" because:
- You do not require an appointment at all
- The date,time and venue is always fixed. No postponement, no cancellation
- Your target-the host is sure to be in a joyous mood to lend you his ears
- The partner of the host is always there for you, to join in and listen to your story
- You will be treated extra-special, feeded with plenty of food and drinks
- Your children will be given first- class treatment too- with Duit Raya
- If you are lucky, you will be leaving with a door gift and reminded to return next year
AOC leads the way
Our Muar Assistant OCPD, Supt.Lee Choon Guan,who happened to be a resident within the KRT Jalan Bakri area, led a high-powered delegation of residents to the D.O 's house.
The word "high-powered" was chosen because among of the 30 people, they were:
- 1)AOC and wife
- 2)CID chief & his senior officer
- 3)Special Branch chief and family
- 4)KRT Jalan Bakri Chairman
- 5) KRT Jalan Bakri exco members
- 6)Residents of Pangsapuri Intan,Taman Orkid, Pangsapuri Permata, TSM, Taman Permai and Taman Permata.
- 7)The children, Wanita , Pemuda and senior citizens from all 6 taman.
If you don't believe it, look at the photos shown below:
Muar No.1 couple - D.O & wife
Supt.Lee's high-powered delegation, is a good combination of many orang awam and his police officers.
All were greeted with a warm hospitality by Tuan Hj.Abdul Rahman and his lovely wife.
Pointing at the rows of high coconut trees surrounding his official residence, D.O says:
" Wow! So many of you here today to wish me Selamat Hari Raya! If I knew earlier, I would have asked my men to pluck down all the coconuts for all of you!"
" Enjoy the food, help yourselves and I will invite all of you to take a group photo after that".
D.O official residence
It was a brand new experience to visit D.O's official residence. The location?
If you are a frequent golfer, it is the big blue-colored villa on the same row with the Kelab Golf Tanjung.
If you are a daily jogger along the Tanjong beach , then it is that big house on your right from the car parking lot.
Yes, the official residence is a double- story building, with a classic British look, located at a very strategic and expensive location.
It has a breath- taking and scenic view of the beautiful Sungai Muar, not too far from the river mouth and Straits of Malacca.
D.O posing with Pemuda TSM ,Ms.Foo Jei Rong & Ms.Kelly Gan. Both are active young Muarians who holds CP very close to their hearts.
Seize The Day
Melbourne's famous newspaper, The Age has a beautiful tagline- seize the day. I love the tagline!
Our mission for our visit to D.O house is also to seize the day by:
- 1)Celebrate Raya Aidilfitri with D.O & family
- 2)Treat it as a meaningful community activity for our residents & neighbors
- 3)Take it as a regular CP activity uniting residents with our men in blue
- 4)To reinforce to D.O the importance of CP in long term for the entire district of Muar
1)Mee Bandung,
3)Asam Pedas
4)Kopi 434
Would be 5) CP
*Friendly CP cops in action at Taman Sri Maharani Muar
- 1)We are proud warga Muar and we had a burning passion for a peaceful, vibrant & prosperous Muar
- 2)We should adopt CP to realise the goal of a safer town
- 3)We should engage more peace-loving Muarians to step forward and play a part in CP
- 4) CP is a simple and yet effective strategy
- 5) CP can be copied & paste, by anyone, anytime and anywhere
To suceed CP, we require 4 things:
- 1) A dedicated team of forward- looking local police force
- 2) A visionary leader who is committed in pushing ahead with all strategic plans
- 3) A group of the "think-out-of-the-box"members of the local community
- 4) A people-oriented mass media that care about the local issues

Our D.O fell in love with the espression- "CCTVs", when we said to him everyone has a pair of free CCTVs,the human eyes.
He told us that he started to promote the term "CCTVs" everywhere he visited in his governing territory.
He wanted every Muarian to start activate their own CCTVs!

Nothing could beat our human eyes.
In CP, we emphasis on prevention measures. Make use of your CCTVs and be the eyes and ears to the police.
For example, in KRT Jalan Bakri(Jln Hj.Jaib,Jln Dato Hj.Hasan & Jln Bakri) we have about 2000+ residents.
Now, Imagine if every resident use their CCTVs the smart way to monitor the local situation in their area, it means we have 2000 pairs of CCTVs operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year non-stop.

What can 200 taman do for Muar ?
Martin Luther King once said "I had a dream" for America.
We "Orang Awam" also had a dream for Muar,that is for all 200 taman in Muar to start CP as soon as possible.
Every taman should form a Residence Committee(RC) or Persatuan penduduk.
Next, they should link up with the police and hopefully join the nearest KRT centre.
Every RC in a taman is a platform. According to D.O, it could be for 3 major purposes:
1) A clever platform for CP
2) Promoting semangat kejiranan
3) Kebersihan (rubbish & recyling issues)

Potential D.O Award for A Taman Cemerlang
One of our residents even suggested to D.O for introducing a D.O Award every year for the best managed taman or kampung that fulfill the following criterias:
- 1)A taman that has an active RC,youth and wanita wings
- 2)A taman that adopts CP with a low crime rate
- 3)A taman that promotes racial unity & neighborliness
- 4)A taman that is free from diseases, net and clean
- 5)A taman that supports & partcipates in goverment's policies and blueprints
- 6)A taman that has the least rubbish and supports recycling
The same resident says: "Tuan D.O, if I am allowed to suggest,try make it as a healthy competition among all the tamans."
"The winner of your D.O award will be enjoying many monetary benefits such:
- 1)Getting new tarred roads for whole taman
- 2)Extra TNB lamp posts for whole taman
- 3) Free- of- charge landscaping design for whole taman
- 4)An upgrade of a drainage system for whole taman"
If the above rewards worth RM 500,000 or more, it is definitely worth spending.
Just look at the spilled-Over effects after that. If 1 lucky taman won the Taman Cemerlang award,others will emulate.
The local government can then promote the successful model to other 199+ taman and kampungs in the entire district.
The award winning taman will definitely try harder to maintain its standards.
The rest of the taman will start to initiate,to adopt,improve, to comply and try to win over the award in the following year.

More D.O Awards......for Murians
If I were given a chance by D.O to suggest a thing for Muar, I would suggest D.O to create more awards to motiviate fellow Murians to be more creative, hardworking,passionate and patriotic to the town.
I would propose a D.O award each for 3 categories:
- 1) Outstanding Muarian of the year
- 2) Young Muarian of the year
- 3) Woman of the year
After all, we must think- out- of -the- box.